Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Good Week!

Man, the time went super-fast!  I only have 15 minutes left.  I'll try to type as quickly as I can.  We had a good week this week.  I am still working with my companion and trying to understand him a bit better.  He comes from a pretty rough background and I think he has made huge leaps and bounds coming on the mission.  He also has a really strong testimony.  Things are definitely going a lot better and we are starting to teach a lot better.  I hope that this week we can really have some good success and work hard.  

We have 4 baptisms this coming Saturday, the 12th.  Abraham, Mariana, and Sandra are brothers and sisters and their mom is already a member.  We have been working with them a really long time and they finally got a testimony.  It's been amazing seeing the great change in Abraham as he has gained faith and recognized his answer.  The other baptism is Devorly.  She's 18 and she has a ton of friends in the church.  She came to church a couple of times and we never got to talk to her until this last week.  She's awesome!  She knows everything about the church and already has a strong testimony.  We really haven't had to do anything except teach her.  She's definitely ready and excited for this Saturday.  We are really excited for this weekend and to see 4 people in white.  =)

We have been looking for some families to teach.  It seems that there are a lot of underage kids that are interested but the mission likes us to focus more on families.  It is really hard when a kid gets baptized for them to stay active as they grow up.  The other night we weren't having much success and were about to go in at 8:00 and start cooking dinner, but we felt like we should keep going.  We went and looked for a reference and they weren't there, but there was family right next to them that let us in and teach.  We put another appointment with them and they seem like great possibilities.  As we left, we noticed that the other reference just got there and we went to teach them a lesson also.  We put another appointment with them and found two new families to teach.  Awesome!  We're excited to start teaching some real families. Now we just got to see if they're married.  =)

We had a zone activity today that our district was in charge of.  All the elders and sisters from Peten came to our area and played soccer.  Afterwards we bbq'd 30 pounds of meat and ate like kings.  I haven't eaten that much meat since I left home.  It was amazing! =)  It was cool because I got to grill everything.  It was super tasty.

Well, we are super late because of the activity and I really need to get back to my area and work.  Hopefully we can get a hitchhike fast.  Love you guys.  Have a great week! Sorry for the extremely short letter.
Elder Lloyd

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