Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Commentary on Elder Lloyd's Tikal pictures (no official letter this week)

Well, we got to go to Tikal yesterday.  Pretty much it was the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life. When you get to the central plaza with the twin pyramids, it really hits you and takes your breath away.  Anyways, here are a few pictures. Love you guys.
Well, since I am waiting for these to upload, I'll tell you a little about them.  The first pictures you see are the first temple we saw.  I guess it was where they  used to keep all of the important records of the people.  Hmm, sounds like Book of Mormon to me.  The second one was a home.  It just had a bunch of little rooms and stuff that were uncovered.
The next one was the first really cool one that we saw while we were there.   They used to let people climb this one but a Japanese guy just fell off of it so they put ropes around it.   I'm not sure what this temple was for because we didn't have a guide.
These are the two temples in the central plaza. So amazing.  When we got up there it was huuuuuuuge.  I've never seen anything like it!   If you look close you can see Elder Miller and me on top of the one.  Kind of hard to see.  Also, we were told that the big one has scaffolding on it because it was hit by lightning and they are repairing it.  They don 't let you climb on that one either.  All of the ones that you could climb on just had the super rickety staircases to climb up on.  Mom and Dad, you might want to prepare now cause it's quite a bit of walking.  Anyways, these were awesome. 
More pictures of the central plaza.  Also, that's Elder Rodriguez from my district.  He's from  Chile.
Just more of the central plaza.  You'll notice that my companion isn't in any  of these pictures.  That's because he was barfing the whole day.  We kept telling him we could go but he didn't want to ruin the day for us.  I felt bad but we took turns staying with him.  Oh well. He was a good sport. Good thing is we'll probably go in our next transfer again. 
Here are some pictures from the tallest temple looking on to the central plaza.  If you watch star wars Empire strikes back they used this when the x-wing flies through.
Well I gotta go.  Love you all.  It was really nice to be able to talk to you.  Have a great week!

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