Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Excited for General Conference

Hi, it's me again,

Well, sounds like everybody had another good week this week.  Everything is going very well here in the area.  We have actually had a lot of success lately.  We have been passing by the Lopez family quite a bit later to teach.  They are kind of struggling with coffee but there is this thing called morcaf that is made from burnt cereal that they are going to buy today.  Hopefully they will give it up quickly.  We had to push the dates back another week because they all need more time to progress and Carla still needs to get married.  One thing that really stinks is that Remberto, the dad, just got a new job 6 hours away in Kiche and is moving for a year.  He leaves this Thursday.  We could hurry up and try to baptize him but he wouldn't be able to go to church in Kiche for a year so there really would be no point.  Kind of stinks, but he was asking about all the information for the missionaries over there. The problem is that he will always be working.  Oh well, we'll see. It just means that we have to leave good paperwork in the Area Book.  But we will be having our baptism with them on the 8th of October.  I definitely think it will be better that way anyways.

Let's see, we had 9 investigators in church yesterday.  =)  That was pretty awesome.  We haven't gone a Sunday in 12 weeks  without investigators in Sacrament meeting.  I'm pretty excited about that.  We also have seen a significant rise in the attendance of the ward.  When I got here we were only having about 60 people in sacrament meeting but it has been creeping up every week.  This last week the attendance was 108.  It's pretty awesome to see the ward grow a little bit.  I really don't want them to turn into a branch.  It's really kind of lame though that there is no bishop.  There just isn't anybody that wants to be or that can.  There are a lot of people that go other places to work for months on end.  Also there are not too many families that are sealed.  But, we shall see.

There is one hermano that could be a possibility for bishop.  Their family just got sealed on Saturday and it was a pretty big moment for them.  They have been trying to get their kids ready for a long time and finally reached their goal.  Awesome!  It was pretty cool because they all got up and bore their testimonies in church on the temple and their family.  It made for a really great lesson with our investigators the next class.  We talked about temples and watched the movie Together Forever.  That sure is a powerful movie.  If you guys haven't seen it for a while, I would suggest watching it again.  It's pretty good. 

Manfredo and Olga were there on Sunday.  Manfredo isn't too interested in the church; He fell asleep during the movie in our class and started snoring.  Olga is really interested though.  She said she loved church and asked if we could come by Wednesday.  We are really hoping to put a baptismal date with her this week.  She's awesome

One of the families here just had their sister come home from her mission in Peru.  The very next Sunday, yesterday, she brought a new investigator to church.  Her name is Katherine and we are going to pass by on Thursday.  =)  Awesome Sister missionary.  We also had our acting bishop give a talk yesterday.  He pretty much taught lesson 3 from Preach my Gospel.  It was soooooo awesome.  Almost half of our investigators were there and it was an amazing talk.  I was so happy he did that.  He may not be bishop but he sure is doing a great job for the ward.  He's only about 25 years old, but he just worked hard on his mission and that's what prepared him.

My companion is great.  His parents are both originally from Guatemala so he is pretty much Latino, although he didn't know Spanish before the mission.  They are all members and he has 2 brothers, both of which served missions.  He is one of the best friends I've had and we're already making plans for BYU after the mission.

Well, ran outta time.  I love you guys so much.  I hope my voice recording isn't too boring.  I hope you guys are all doing super awesome.  Have a great time this week in conference.  I'll be listening at the same time.  Well, until next time.
Elder Lloyd

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