Monday, June 27, 2011

Guatemalan Dogs

Hey guys,

How's everything going?  Well, for me things are great.  This week was fantastic.  We worked hard and had a lot of success.  In total we had about 45 lessons.  We're still having some trouble with some of our investigators not wanting to do their part and read, go to church, or even pray.  But all we can do is keep inviting them to do what we know will bless their lives.  The ward just started a temple preperation class for all the adults in the ward.  Our ward is tough because there are only 2 families sealed and nobody else has been through the endowments except for recently returned missionaries.  That means no bishop which means there is a serious lack of leadership.  It makes it really hard to count on anybody for help.  We ask somebody to do something for us and they don't like to say no, so the next best thing is to say yes and then just not do it or not show up.  That is the one thing that makes it hard to stay positive.  Don't worry though, I don't get too down about it.  It just means we have to work extra hard.  But ya, alot of our work is with less actives and recent converts. 

We did however find a new investigator that's super pilas.  (pilas means batteries but I guess here it also means awesome).  His name is Carlos Manuel Cruz.  The crazy thing is that he lived in the United States and knows English.  He moved to the US about 16 years ago and I'm pretty sure he was a gangster in Virginia.  He moved there ilegally and was put in jail various times for drunk driving.  After getting out he had serious drinking problems again and got pulled over and deported back to Guatemala.  When he got here he seriously reevaluated his life and decided he wanted to change.  This was about 6 months ago.  Ever since then he hasn't taken a drink and has been doing everything he can to get his papers and apply for his green card.  He'll be leaving in about 3 months for the United States and has a job lined up with his uncle, and he'll be completely legal. 

We had our first lesson with Carlos the other day and taught him a little bit about the Plan of Salvation and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  During the lesson we were talking a little bit about baptism.  After we talked about baptism, he said, Can I ask a question?  What do I have to do to be baptized in your church?  All I could think of was jason saying, What duh heck?  It definitely turned the lesson around.  We told him we'd just have to set a date, keep teaching him, and bring him to church.  The next question was what he had to wear to church.  He said he'd buy everything that night so he could be there Sunday.  We set a date for the 23rd of July and we're going to try to visit him as often as possible.  He didn't go to church because he had the flu, but we did go over and give him a blessing and the next day he was fine.  So he also has a testimony of Priesthood blessings now.  We are so excited to find him and we're hoping he stays strong. The day that we found him I was feeling so discouraged because of the hardness of the people in not letting us in their homes and lying.  But I know the Lord has tender mercy and my spirits were seriously lifted that day. 

The weather is crazy here.  It's rainy season and water is in abundance.  It's so strange to me, the day starts off sunny and completely hot.  Then without fail it starts to rain at 2:00, right when we're ready to go out from lunch to work.  Haha.  So we go out and get soaked for a while. Then usually about 4:30 or 5:00 it gets super sunny again and hot.  Then usually it rains again during the evening.  The sun goes down about 7:00 every day too.  I'm definitely thankful to have my boots.  I don't even have to worry about where I walk because my feet will never get wet.  It definitely makes my feet a little bit more healthy than some other elders. 
The dogs here are freaky.  They all have the look of death.  I think the third of the hosts of heaven that were cast out to tempt us on this earth came and possessed the dogs of Guatemala.  They usually aren't too aggressive but I definitely watch myself. 
Well, I just noticed the time's almost out.  It always seems to go super fast.  I really appreciate the letters.  They are definitely a highlight of my week.  I hope you guys are doing great and that you always remember to include the Lord in everything.  It reminds us multiple times in the scriptures that this life is short and is the time for men to prepare to meet their God, or to have eternal life in other words.  I'm so grateful to be a member of our family and know that we'll be together forever.  That knowledge has given me so much peace in such a hardened place with so many problems.  I hope you all remember to be grateful for your blessings, knowledge and the covenants we have made.  I love you guys.  Have a great week.  I'm doing great!
Elder Lloyd

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