Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First Area (Vampires!)

Hey family!

Sorry I haven't gotten you a letter in a very long time.  We didn't really get a p-day this week.  Well I bet you're dying wanting to know where I am.  Well, I am in the capital in Zona 18.  They start out all of the missionaries in the capital for to be trained.  It's great here.  It is the city though and its pretty busy and packed.  The people are so poor.  Most of them live in sheet metal houses and few of them even have roofs.  If they do it's usually a tarp or more sheet metal.  There are areas in our zone where the people have cinder block homes.  Its pretty crazy though.  Lots of dirt, lots of garbage and fleas!  =)  The worst was on my second day I got fleas in my socks and boots and they just feasted on me.  Oh well.  I sprayed everything really well with permithrian.  We live in a 'really nice' house. Haha.  We at least get to shower.  But it really is a mansion compared to everything else and we live in a gated part that's really really safe.  Wow, the first couple days were rough.  And you're right Mom, I did have a couple moments where I was like, what the heck have I gotten myself into.  But then we started teaching and finding people, and I started to have fun, and I started to love the people.  It's awesome to be with such humble people.  As far as my companion, you're going to love this, he was in the El Salvador military.  =)  He works so hard.  He wears combat boots to proselyte and he walks faster than anyone I've ever met.  The amazing thing is that he's so nice, and cares a lot about me and the people.  He has been really good to me this week making sure I get used to all of the new things.  Although, he eats really weird and I'm pretty sure I've lost a little bit of weight.  =)  He's great though.  His name is Elder Gonzalez, he's 20, and he has 14 months in the mission.  It's kinda cool, they sent most of the new North American missionaries to our one zone so we get to see each other often and get to ask each other how it's going. 

We don't have monkeys sadly, however we did kill a vampire bat in our sink last night and there are quite the variety of cockroaches.  Things are soooooooooooo cheap here.  We went to their thrift stores this morning and my find of the day was a Mountain Hard Wear shirt for 5 Quetzales or around 75 cents which would of cost around 40 dollars in the states.  They have ties for 3 for 10 Quetz.  We also went grocery shopping and bought more than enough food for a week for the both of us for around 30 dollars.  We get around 140 dollars each for the month to live off of, including everything.  So it's pretty cool.

One cool thing is that my companion knows Kek'chi.  =)  I am learning during my language study every morning for 30 minutes.  Awesome.  It's really cool and a lot of the words have like 5 or 6 implied meanings so there are way less words to have to learn.  But it's bien raro el idioma Kek'chi.  Pero es bien chilero.  I'm loving Spanish.  Not to say that it's easy for me to contact.  I still get scared every time somebody opens the door and I have to talk.  But I'm getting better little by little.  My companion is awesome.  I wish you could know just how great of a missionary he is.  The other day we knocked 40 doors and we talked to each of them for at least 5 minutes about the plan of salvation or something else.  40!  And out of those only one person said they didn't want to talk to us.  He's such a great example.

We have a couple of families that are interested in the gospel and we hope keep progressing with them.  We have  a strong ward of about 100 members.  I got to speak in church yesterday with all of 2 minutes notice.  =)  It was good though.  I'm trying to get to know all of the people and the area.  One of the problems we've been having is that there are never men in the house when we get there.  The first day with my companion, he didnt really seem to mind that we had no males in the house.  But you'd be proud, I talked to him about it and he said ok, from now on, we will never enter a house unless a man over the age of 18 is there.  That's how awesome my companion is.  Now we just gotta convince some members to go out with us so that we can get into those appointments. 

Well, things are great, my skins a little burny, but I learned my lesson and now sunscreen is used liberally.  I'm loving it here, working hard, and trying my best to be a great missionary.  I'm gonna get off and try to send some pictures.  Love you guys.  Have a great week and good luck with the trek!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nak'atinra La'ex  (love you guys),

Elder Lloyd

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