Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Change Week

Hey guys,
How are things going back home?  Hopefully well.  Hey just wanted to say that it is always nice to receive letters from anybody that reads my blog or anybody else.  Also, everybody can email me if they want at alloyd@myldsmail.net  I just not supposed to email anybody back so include the mail return address in the email.  They help a lot and I have only gotten 2 letters in the past 6 or 7 months.  I usually get back to everybody that sends me a letter, I just hope they don't get lost.  This is my mailing address. 

Elder Lloyd
Misión Guatemala Ciudad Norte
Apartado # 951-A
Guatemala, Guatemala
We found an amazing family this week.  They are the Soto Xol (read Shole) family.  We were walking in the street superfast trying to get to another appointment and passed them when in the exact same moment both me and my companion felt super strongly that we should stop and talk to them.  So we did and put another appointment with them for another day.  We went to their house that day and there they were waiting for us.  It turns out that the wife was baptized in Carcha about 6 years ago but didn't really have a testimony when she did it, be she did know that what we share is very important.  It's her, Maritza, her husband William, and her 4 kids that are 8, 6, 4, and 2 years old.  Well, they're pretty much amazing.  We talked to them and put another appointment for the next day and were able to put a baptismal goal for the 14th of July with William and his son that 2nd appointment. It was awesome!  Sadly they didn't go to church this Sunday because they had to take care of a family member that all of a sudden had a baby, but we are going to keep visiting them this week and try to get them to church this coming week.  They are awesome.  It's amazing to feel the Spirit working with you to be the means in helping find people to share the gospel with.  Imagine if we wouldn't have contacted them in the street.  That's twice in Coban that the same thing has happened.  That's exactly how we found the Lopez family.  

Speaking of the Lopez family, they are super awesome.  We are going to go with them tonight and help them with their family home evening because they are inviting their neighbors to it and want us to be there.  They are going to be doing everything to prepare it.  Awesome.

This week is transfer week.  meh....  Luckily I didn't get a change and Elder Proctor and I are together for another 6 weeks but transfers means no sleep for a week.  My body is really starting to get tired.  You wouldn't think that your stamina would change on the mission, but your body can't take all the things we do for 2 years.  It really is a miracle.  Oh well.  I learned long ago that there is great joy to be found in giving absolutely everything to the Lord and suffering for him.  =)  I think some of the greatest moments in my mission have been the most stressful, tired, uncomfortable moments of my life.  Weird huh? 

Well love you guys.  I hope you know just how important the gospel of Jesus Christ is.  Anybody that is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints that reads my letters, be it a friend, family member, or just somebody I know, know that this is what is missing in life.  God has a plan for his children through the promises we can make in his true church.  Families can live together even after death, through these truths.  There are missionaries everywhere sharing the same things I have dedicated my whole life for 2 years to.  Please talk to them.  Love you guys,
Elder Lloyd

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